Cutteslowe Community Centre 31 Wren Road United Kingdom

Is there a Universal Remedy for the illness of this world?

 The goddess Panakia is the Greek goddess who can cure all ills, her brother Diagnostico was the one to detect and define the illness. 

Can we detect it, let alone define it?

What is the panacea? 

 This will be another chance to take part in a morning of meditation, questions and insights given by Dr Prashant Kakode.

Those who know him from his recent visit, and from Peace in the Park, will be aware of the new angles he brings to the understanding and confirmation of who we are.A special morning of discussion, exploration and experiential meditations.


Dr. Prashant Kakode has been a student of Raja Yoga meditation for the last 34 years and co-ordinates the BK activities in Cambridge. He lectures on a variety of topics ranging from science and consciousness to the holistic principles of life and health. His presentations are a combination of great depth, clarity and humour.




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