Inner Space Team
We are a team of meditators based in Oxfordshire.
We run regular courses, seminars and meditations, currently online due to the Govt guidelines.
All activities are free! Although voluntary donations are welcome, they are not required.
The Inner Space team work in collaboration with Oxfordshire's Global Retreat Centre, which in turn, is run by the Brahma Kumaris as a service to the community.
The Global Retreat Centre
Since 1993, the Global Retreat Centre at Nuneham House (administered by Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University UK) has welcomed thousands of people from across the world. They come to restore balance and focus to their lives through solitude, silence and the study of spiritual values. Tucked away in the rolling countryside of Oxfordshire, surrounded by 55 acres of historical gardens and overlooking the river Thames, Nuneham Park is the perfect location to step away from the frantic pace of modern living, and to rediscover your inner peace and power.

The Brahma Kumaris
The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (UK) provides opportunities for people from all backgrounds to explore their own spirituality and learn skills of reflection and meditation derived from Raja Yoga, which help develop inner calm, clear thinking and personal well-being.
The Brahma Kumaris is an international organisation working at all levels of society for positive change and is the recipient of seven United Nations Peace Messenger Awards.
The University is part of a worldwide network of over 8,500 centres in more than 100 countries, the first of which was founded in India in the 1930s.

Registered Charity Numbers: 269971 (England & Wales)